
This small site is a resurrection of one originally made in 1991 and contains a number of images from a survey of the railways of Mallorca carried out in that year.

Mallorca (or Majorca) is a Spanish administered island in the Mediterranean which had 3 foot gauge British built steam railways which have now been replaced by metre gauge electric & diesel powered stock.

Whilst now of historical interest only it is interesting to contrast these images with contemporary ones, especially now the rail system has been expanded. Field notes can be found under the 'Notes from April 1991' button.

If you are interested in finding out more about these railways I used to suggest you check out the excellent site run by Barry Emmott - - but this has now been taken over by some Chinese porno merchants! The Internat Archive has some related material which can be found here -

The images shown below can be run as a slide show or selected individually for viewing - enjoy!

Published on  March 22nd, 2022